We are proud to introduce you to our dedicated and highly qualified College Leadership Team who are committed to providing our students with a nurturing and stimulating learning environment.
Mr Luke Schoff
College Principal E. Principal@salc.qld.edu.auMr Donovan Shaw
Deputy Principal Head of Secondary School E. DeputyPrincipalSecondary@salc.qld.edu.auMrs Karen Koehler
Deputy Principal Head of Junior School E. DeputyPrincipalJunior@salc.qld.edu.auMr Luke Kenchington
Business Manager E. BusinessManager@salc.qld.edu.auPastor Reid Matthias
College Pastor E. CollegePastor@salc.qld.edu,auOur College Leadership consists of experienced educators who are passionate about helping students reach their full potential. They bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to their respective fields and are committed to staying up-to-date with the latest teaching methods and practices.
College Senior Leadership Team
Mr Eliot Sanger, Head of Senior Years - Pastoral
Mrs Kathryn Dendy, Head of Middle Years - Pastoral
Ms Megan Yeo, Head of Curriculum - Secondary School
Mr Tom Casey, Head of Learning and Teaching - Secondary School
Mrs Tania Pritchett, Deputy Head of Junior School - PYP, Learning and Teaching
Mrs Jacqueline Faulkner, Deputy Head of Junior School - Pastoral
Mrs Bronwyn Waters, Director of Early Learning